Compile the OpenFyde Image for Fydetab Duo by synthesizing official instructions and forum articles, aiming to compile the latest R120 version image. The goal is to compile the latest R120 version image.
Eating, sleeping, and gaming!
Compile the OpenFyde Image for Fydetab Duo by synthesizing official instructions and forum articles, aiming to compile the latest R120 version image. The goal is to compile the latest R120 version image.
I’ve had the Fydetab Duo for over a month, and I’m still trying to find ways to make the most use of this device. At the very least, I’d like to write some blogs during my downtime with it. Hence the following exploration.
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field, and the toolkit or technology stack used in bioinformatics is also quite “interdisciplinary”. The level of fragmentation is, in my opinion, absolutely not less than that of Linux distributions… This also brings us a common challenge: the deployment of bioinformatics analysis environments.
Last year, I suddenly felt unhappy with the old laptop lying on my bed. It was a relatively expensive purchase for me (a big expense six months after graduation), and it had keyboard and touchpad issues that required two repairs costing another 1000 yuan each. Given its high cost, I didn’t want to leave it idle, so I decided to give fydeos another chance. After some research, I found that both deepin and fydeos have evolved significantly in recent years. Fydeos has become more user-friendly, and they now offer Android as well as a Linux subsystem, making daily use much more accessible. Therefore, I decided to buy a Lenovo Chromebook Duet.
Actually, I’ve known about singularity for quite some time. As a container specifically designed for HPC (High Performance Computing), it’s always been something I wanted to try out. However, just like other NGS technologies outside of Illumina, singularity hasn’t gained much traction and it seems even harder to compete with Kubernetes, which is widely adopted by most cloud vendors… Of course, this doesn’t really matter to me right now… We’re still at least three or five years away from going cloud-based, so using it locally makes perfect sense.
Today, I needed to deploy an RStudio server for someone else. Here are the steps and key points of the deployment.
Recently, out of… well, let’s say a bit of dissatisfaction, I sold my previously purchased Lenovo Chrome Duet2, but then I bought a Pixelbook 2017… Now that I have this device, I still want to tinker with it for a while, trying to find a way to use this Pixelbook 2017 as a replacement for my work computer for general office tasks. In the process of practising, the main issue wasn’t resolved, but I did come up with a few practical by-products… writing Hexo blogs using Codespace is one of them.
This title is a bit too nested… but the fact is, I suddenly felt capable! I finally have a chance to become a full-stack developer! To showcase my capabilities enhanced by chatGPT, I decided to develop a tool that uses chatGPT to read papers (I’ve also considered using it for meta-analysis).
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